New Novel Soon!
I sent out my last newsletter over a year ago and in the interim there have been several major developments. First, I'm still alive after seven and a half years with ALS, which is a pleasant surprise and a boon to my literary endeavors. Second, in 2024 Invention Is a Mother was a finalist in five literary contests, in categories ranging from humor to visionary fiction. Third, I finished a second book, CARE GIVE OR TAKE!
CARE GIVE OR TAKE is about living with the assistance of caregivers. As you might expect, the transition to caregivers is framed as an alien abduction and life with caregivers is framed as an alien invasion--though not a very good one. If you've let your guard down and aliens aren't your first association with caregivers, then let this be a wakeup call. Someday on your journey into decrepitude you'll find yourself in the hands of caregivers and you'll think, Oh, that's what he meant! and you'll be prepared to defend yourself…but only if you read the novel.
Sadly, that's the best I've got for a promotional blurb. Reminding readers of aging's inevitability is probably a terrible marketing tactic.
CARE GIVE OR TAKE, in paperback and ebook, will be available for pre-order sometime in early February and I'll let you know exactly when. I'm shooting for a publication date at the end of February.
Thank you for your interest and support!