News from Syllaballistics HQ

Great news from our bustling Syllaballistics HQ (my porch)!

I’m starting to receive comments from authors who have read advance copies of Invention Is a Mother. Here’s the first “blurb” that I will proudly display on the back of the novel:

“Rob Brownell’s sharply-written Invention Is a Mother somehow manages to be witty, absurd, playful, imaginative, cynical, sad, compelling, heartfelt, and darkly hilarious all in one. Full of boozy wormholes, sentient appliances, multiple Jesuses, automated buffets, and many other colorful sci-fi abstractions, this book will not only make you think and feel, but also smile.”

— Dan Marshall, author of Home Is Burning

Campaign update…

Many thanks for following Invention Is a Mother and my Team Gleason ALS campaign. The book launch has exceeded 300% of my initial goal and the team Gleason fundraiser is closing in on 300%! Both campaigns run until June 19 and there’s still time to get in on the action if you’ve been on vacation.

More updates to beguile you!

To mark the occasion of reaching 300% of our Kickstarter goal, on Monday, June 6, we’ll be making 25 “signed” copies of the paperback available for preorder. We quickly sold out of the signed hardback limited run, so we’re expecting this new reward tier to go quickly.

On Monday we are also releasing a T-shirt design pulled from the text of the novel. Professional artist Jack Thorne designed the graphics.

Is there more you can do to help?

Yes, please share a link to my Kickstarter campaign on your social media of choice:


"I see Dead Wood" T-shirts now available!


My GIF to you!